In just 90 days

Become an Effective Scrum Master with Multiple Job Offers

A step-by-step experience for rapidly transitioning your career while slashing your working hours in half.

"I highly recommend to anyone who may be struggling with finding their career path"

"I definitely recommend for anyone looking to gain further knowledge into agile or looking to get help in nailing there dream job"

"He is a selfless and a genuine person who has supported me immensely in my career path."

Discover how you can be a high-demand Scrum Master in less than 3 months.

■ Get the playbook to write, present and attract offers
■ Use my tactical framework, cheat sheets and templates on the job
■ Join a community of like minded individuals in supporting you
■ Save time and thrive with less stress and more results

What do the best Scrum Masters at Disney, Sony Music, Interac, and Tata Consulting have in common?

They learn and apply the secrets from those that have excelled before them

Becoming a Scrum Master isn't something that
“just happens with Luck.”

It’s the result of leveraging tried and trusted techniques.
  • Agile Theory foundation

  • People Management Intelligence

  • Corporate Etiquette

  • Effective leadership

Do you ever feel like making the switch to a Scrum Master role, but it's confusing and taking longer than expected?


Are you in the role as a Scrum Master, but you spend majority of the day barely staying afloat, and it’s slowly sucking your life away?

I’ve been there.

Hi, my name is Sarfraz.

And after 30 years of working in Fortune 500 companies with multi-million dollar projects and 8+ member teams.

I’ve taken all my learnings and condensed them to a program to make you succeed as an effective leader today.

In the Scrum Mastermind you'll be able to:

  • Have a winning resume

  • Speak confidently about Agile and Scrum

  • Nail the interview

  • Boost your confidence in any setting

  • Manage multiple teams like a pro

  • Establish yourself as a credible Agile professional

My 30 years → 3 months coaching

"If you cannot see where you are going,

ask someone who has been there before."

-J Loren Norris

What you actually need to know to succeed

Scrum Mastery Essentials

Understanding the agile beyond just the theory but to also apply to real life situations.

Corporate Success Etiquettes

Being a leader involves, working with people all the time. Knowing how to navigate the environment is critical.

Effective Leadership Styles

Leadership is unique to the people and the situation you are in, how you adapt to get results is essential.

No more frustration from zero interviews, anxiety on the job or not knowing agile terms. Be the next top talent within 90 days of our intimate cohort curriculum


Module 01

Think like a SM

Understand what it takes to operate from a SM/Tech worker mindset


Module 02

Build your tools stack

Know, understand and excel with the most common tech tools you will encounter on the job


Module 03

Applying Real-Life Strategies

Sharing the experience of a 30+ year IT professional and how to apply to your role


Module 04

Navigating Corporate Success

Thrive in your organization by applying the hidden rules and nuances of corporate culture


Module 05

Expanding Your Horizons

How to package and leverage your experience to become highly-sought after for future opportunities

Bonus Material


HTS Scrum 101

Our flagship training program remastered to be even more applicable to help you master Agile.


Agile Transformation

Be up to date with current market demands of how to lead Agile transformation in organizations.


Scrum Templates

Don't start from scratch, use our tried and true templates to set up your teams immediately.


Interview Prep

Don't memorize answers, learn to stand out to be noticeable in how you think and how you can offer value in first impressions.


Scrum Resume Guide

A detailed breakdown of how to prepare your resume to attract opportunities on autopilot.


Virtual Community

Be part of our growing active community that holds weekly meetings and share valuable experiences.


Enrolled Students

4 years

Serving the community




Job Success rate

What People Are Saying

How do I know if Scrum Mastermind is for me?


Scrum Mastermind is not for you if...

  • You’re more interested in doing things “your own way” and aren’t willing to listen to feedback. We emphasize proven methods from experience, not our ego.

  • You want to stay in the background. This program focuses on helping people stand out online and get attention to attract employers that want your talent.

  • You care about more about following the latest “trends” or “hacks” over using proven methods to accomplish your goals. We rely on mentorship, a community of fellow students, and proven methods from experience to help you achieve your goals.

  • You’re looking for a “quick fix” for your problems. This program will help you build an enduring mindset and career. It’s going to take work on your end and it takes time to implement.


Scrum Mastermind is for you if...

  • You have a student mindset who cares about learning and wants to level up and make a serious impact.

  • You want a structured approach to becoming an exceptional scrum master using tools and systems to increase impact and efficiency.

  • You're already in a corporate job or tech space. This program will 10x boost the transition in a corporate role. I’m going to share with you the frameworks I learned the hard way.

  • You know that the real magic is in the execution. You like to action what you learn and stay accountable to your goals.

  • You want proven frameworks, insights, and tools for increasing your career capability and avoiding fatal mistakes.

  • You want to grow your career without burning yourself out or sacrificing your health and well-being.

Book a Time Below

To speak with us 1:1 to learn if you are a good fit for the cohort

"I highly recommend to anyone who may be struggling with finding their career path"

"I definitely recommend for anyone looking to gain further knowledge into agile or looking to get help in nailing there dream job"

"He is a selfless and a genuine person who has supported me immensely in my career path."

Your other options.

The systems I teach in Scrum Mastermind are based on my 30+ years of experience in the trenches and won’t be found anywhere else...

Here are some of the closest alternatives.

Growth Books

Reading is great. But books do not provide you with the accountability needed to help you reach your goals.

Most people struggle with taking action and applying theory to real life this is what Scrum Mastermind focuses on - real action.

Endless Certifications

Education is useful but expensive. Especially in the Agile realm there are so many certifications it gets confusing and loses its value.

Plus the teachers are often the academics, not in field experts.

Scrum Mastermind has been described as

“an irl course to become an effective Scrum Master.”

Sink or Swim?

Most people just pray with luck that they get a break then sink or swim on the job. Often lasting only the probation period then back to square one.

Scrum Mastermind removes the pressure with a proven method to do the Scrum Master role exceptionally well


How long is the course?

The cohort is a 3 month program with self guided in depth modules.

Each week there is a group coaching call to discuss how we can support you. Plus access to 1:1 sessions booked ahead of time.

Is this a video course only?

The modules are view-at-your-own-pace videos. However we know that access to your coach is key so the weekly live sessions + Q&A are critical to your learning where you connect with fellow students. You also get direct access to the instructors.

When can I start the program?

We make each cohort an intimate experience and select best fit students for our community. Book a time to chat with us below to get started. You have access for life, because we believe in continuous education.

What will I be capable of doing after the program?

You will have the exact blueprint you need to develop and excel into a Scrum Master career with multiple job offers. You'll also be given templates and techniques to be confident on the job with less stress to you.

"Leadership is the art of influence with integrity and I can confidently say Sarfraz is one of the best leaders I've had the pleasure of learning from."

"I highly recommend to anyone who may be struggling with finding their career path"

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